In addition to the template we were already sent we have created a space where you can write your note to highlight any additional features about your offer or other relevant information for the listing agent.
Phone Number Field Update:
We've updated the phone number field to allow pasting phone numbers with hyphens.
Multi-select Individual Documents:
When creating a buyer or seller individual document envelope you now have the option to select multiple different forms and the form will ask you the right questions for the forms you selected.
Forms Categories Editor: Now you can drag and drop forms to reorganize them within each category.
Edit PDF: When editing PDF pages, we've added a new feature that allows you to select and deselect all pages.
Residential option default: The Residential option for seller disclosure forms is set by default.
Signing Order Updates: You can now change the order of signers and approvers, placing them before the document owner.
Failed Payments:
If your payment method fails, don’t worry! We will notify you via email and with a banner on your Dashboard. We will retry the payment for you, and we have also added an option for you to retry the payment in your Billing section.
Subscription Cancellation:
Although you probably will never want to use this feature, we have added the option to cancel your subscription. This would make us very sad, so if you're considering cancellation, please talk to us first!
Stay tuned for more awesomeness coming from Click!