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Effortless Seller’s Disclosure Coordination

Meet Sarah: Transforming Seller’s Disclosure Coordination

In the past, Sarah faced the challenge of repeatedly calling clients, guiding them through the sellers’ disclosure, and ensuring all necessary details were filled out correctly. It was a time-consuming process that often required multiple interactions.

Enter the game-changing app! Bid farewell to the frustration of chasing after sellers for disclosures. With just a few clicks, Sarah can effortlessly create, send, and request signatures for sellers’ disclosures. Clients now find it incredibly easy to fill out the disclosure, and even if they take a break and return later, their progress is auto-saved from where they left off.

But that’s not all! Sarah can now enhance the disclosure process by adding Utility Providers & School Info and Property Questions. Sellers can conveniently complete all required information in one go, making the entire coordination process seamless.

Experience the future of Seller’s Disclosure Coordination with Sarah – where efficiency meets ease, and time is reclaimed!

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